Wolo Foundation

Helping families affected by cancer in Sussex

What is Wolo? What is our charitable objective and purpose?

Wolo Foundation helps families living in Sussex through their cancer journeys. They support them by offering practical help and support to make their day-to-day lives easier. They work with local businesses and communities to offer families a wealth of services to support them through their diagnosis, treatment and beyond. 

Statistics show that 1 in 2 people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Life is precious - we need to make the most of it - we only live once - Wolo!

Wolo’s mission statement

Wolo’s charitable objective and purpose

‘The relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage of families* living in Sussex that are affected by cancer; through the provision of goods/services which they could not otherwise afford through lack of means, or by providing or paying for items, services or facilities through the provision of goods or services. 

  • Definition of ‘families’ is those with a child or children aged under 16 years at the time of diagnosis.’


Why did we create Wolo Foundation? Why do people need support from Wolo?

Small, bespoke and family run by us (a husband and wife team) and 2 wonderful trustees, Wolo started as an idea following a cancer diagnosis of our own. I was diagnosed with breast cancer out of the blue at age 38 in 2018, and with 3 young children to care and provide for, life was hard. We found out the hard way that there wasn’t much help out there for families like ours. 

We were on our own, and our lives had changed forever. Little ‘things’ felt so insignificant, and knowing that my health was at risk, helped put everything into perspective. Knowing we didn’t want others to go through a diagnosis and treatment without appropriate support, ignited a little flame inside our hearts - and that’s how the idea all began. We want to be able to help families going through similar experiences. Wolo stands for ‘we only live once’ and is the perfect way to describe our ethos - to make the most of each day....life is a blessing and we need to enjoy it doing the things we love, with the ones we love. 

Wolo Foundation supports families living in Sussex with children under the age of 16 years. 

Why do people need support from Wolo?

After experiencing a cancer journey of our own, we highlighted a number of problems we incurred along the way that we felt Wolo could help address. These included:

• Lack of support for those diagnosed

• Lack of support for the families of those diagnosed

• Lack of practical help 

• Lack of mental health support 

• Isolation 

• The detrimental financial impact of a cancer diagnosis

• Lack of support once active treatment is completed - people struggling to ‘move on’.

• The stigma associated with cancer

• Having a negative outlook on life

We have used this information along with our ethos, to create our core outcomes. They are instrumental to everything we do.

Please note, we are not an emergency service. if you have an emergency, please contact the appropriate authorities.

Copyright© Wolo Foundation 2025. Wolo Foundation is a registered charity no. 1188412
Design: Designerwright
